Install wildboar#

There are a few options to install wildboar:

  • Install the latest official distribution from PyPi. This is the recommended approach for most users.

  • Build and compile the package from source. This provides the fastest binaries targeted for the specific platform.

Binary distributions are automatically built for macOS, GNU/Linux and Windows. The binaries can be installed through PyPi.

pip install wildboar

If you are on a system where users don’t have write-accesses to the location of Python packages, the distribution can be installed in the user directory.

pip install --user wildboar

You can also specify a specific version to install by replacing wildboar with, e.g., wildboar==1.2.0 where 1.2.0 is the version to install.

To avoid conflicts with already installed packages, it is strongly recommended installing the package in a virtual environment. You can set up a virtual environment using venv.

python3 -m venv .venv # create a virtual environment in the folder .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install wildboar


Depending on your operating system, there are some possible ceavets. While its outside the scope of this documentation to enumerate all of these, we have collected a few common issues here.

For Debian based distributions python3-venv must be installed for virtual environments to work.

apt install python3-venv

For users of MacOS it is recommended to install python using Homebrew

brew install python

For users of Windows it is recommended to use Anaconda or Miniconda. wildboar is still installed using pip