What’s new#

  • Feature: something that you couldn’t do before.

  • Efficiency: an existing feature now may not require as much computation or memory.

  • Enhancement: a miscellaneous minor improvement.

  • Fix: something that previously didn’t work as documentated

  • API: you will need to change your code to have the same effect in the future; or a feature will be removed in the future.


Wildboar 1.2 requires Python 3.8+, numpy 1.19.5+, scipy 1.6.0+ and scikit-learn 1.3+.

Version 1.2.0#

New and changed models#

Wildboar 1.2 introduces several new models.


  • API Drop support for specifying a dataset version in load_dataset. Support was dropped to ensure consistency between the repository declaration of arrays and what is available in the downloaded bundle.

  • Fix Correctly detect duplicate repositories.

  • Fix Defer repository refresh to first use.

  • Enhancement Improve support for 3darrays in distance.pairwise_distance and distance.paired_distance. By setting dim='mean', the mean distance over all dimensions are computed and by setting dim='full' the distance over all dimensions are returned. The default value for dim will change to “mean” in 1.3. For 3darrays, we issue a deprecation warning for the current default value.

  • Enhancement Add support for standardizing all subsequence metrics. Prefix the name of the metric with "scaled_" to use the standardized metric, e.g., “scaled_euclidean” or “scaled_msm”.

  • Enhancement Add support for callable metrics. To support standardizing, we introduce new keyword parameter that pairs with the “metric” parameter called scale that, if set to True scale all subsequences before applying the metric. The effect of setting scale=True is the same as passing a scaled metric, e.g., “scaled_euclidean”.

  • Feature A new function distance.argmin_distance which takes as input two arrays X and Y and finds, for each sample in X, the indices of the k samples in Y with the smallest distance to the i:th sample in X.

  • Feature A new function distance.distance_profile which takes a subsequence Y and a (collection) of time series X and returns the distance from Y to all subsequences of the same length of the i:th sample in X, with support for dilation and padding.

  • Feature A new function distance.argmin_subsequence_distance which takes two paired arrays of subsequences and samples and finds the k smallest matching positions for each sample/subsequence pair.

  • Feature Enables support for n_jobs in distance.pairwise_distance, distance.paired_distance.

  • Feature Add support for Amercing Dynamic Time Warping (subsequence) distance.

  • Feature Add support for LCSS subsequence distance.

  • Feature Add support for EDR subsequence distance.

  • Feature Add support for TWE subsequence distance.

  • Feature Add support for MSM subsequence distance.

  • Feature Add support for ERP subsequence distance.

  • Fix Fix a bug in angular distance leading to NaN values.

  • Fix Fix a bug in angular distance subsequence matching where an incorrect threshold was set.

  • Fix Fix the return value of distance.paired_distance to (n_dims, n_samples) when dim=”full”.

  • API Rename LCSS threshold parameter to epsilon. We will remove threshold in 1.4.

  • API Rename EDR threshold parameter to epsilon. We will remove threshold in 1.4.

  • API Rename _distance.DistanceMeasure to Metric and _distance.SubsequenceDistanceMeasure to SubsequenceMetric. The change only affect code that cimport modules.

  • API The default value of threshold in distance.subsequence_match has changed to “auto”. The old value “best” has been deprecated and will be removed in 1.3.

  • Feature Add support for KNeighborsClassifiers fitted with any metric in explain.counterfactual.KNeighborsCounterfactual. We allow for using different methods for finding the counterfactuals for n_neighbors > 1 by setting method=’mean’ or method=’medoid’. We have also improved the way in which cluster centroids are selected, resulting in a more robust counterfactuals.

Other improvements#

  • Remove all dependencies on deprecated Numpy APIs.

  • Migrate to the new scikit-learn parameter validation framework.